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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What is keeping me happy recently?

This is what has been keeping me smiling recently. Nope, it's not a gorgeous hunk or more luscious silk or cashmere yarn for myself. I present to you my latest toy of the moment - MY Sony VAIO SZ laptop. I loved it. If I can bring it with me to my bed, I would. But I wouldn't risk that now, would I? I would cry if I crush it to 'death'. Then again, weighing as light as I weigh, I probably can't crush anything to death. Hahaha.

Yes, I splurged a little. Well, not a little. A lot is more like it but 'IT' makes me happy. ;-) So what do you think of my webcam - Logitech Pro4000? I bought it when I first moved to the US to use with my friends in Singapore. I never got much use out of it. Instead, I am using it now to talk with my friends in UK and Germany instead. Funny how that turns out.

Finally, some knitting news. Here's the latest progress shot of my Rusted Root. Yes, I know, I am way too slow. Hope I will be able to catch up on all my knitting soon.

P.S: I spent a very long time just trying to upload these 3 pics. Is there something wrong with blogger or is it just me? Does it not support pic of these size?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you went ahead and bought it -- nice computer. Hope to see you soon.

02 November, 2006 08:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice new laptop! It's so fun to have something like this to be excited about.

I know you've been very busy, I was just wondering if you got a chance to find out about Stonehenge? If not, it's ok, because I think I know where to take the train.

Thank you, and enjoy the new computer!

02 November, 2006 09:11  
Blogger 安淋 - Kessa said...

Blogger doesn't seem to be too good with pics.. I always host the pictures elsewhere (flickr). New laptop looks funky. And sleek. Too cool! =)

06 November, 2006 06:59  
Blogger bluey said...

Nice laptop!!

Yes blogger always got issues of loading pictures. It seems to take forever sometimes. Same as kessa I also host my pictures at flick now :)

23 November, 2006 02:34  

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